Report a Non-Emergency
In case of a life-threatening emergency, always call 9-1-1 immediately.
In a situation that is not life-threatening, but where you want a timely police response, call the Los Angeles Police Department non-emergency number: 1-877-ASK-LAPD.
General information about the Los Angeles Police Department is available at lapdonline.org.
One program on the LAPD website is iWATCH: iWATCH, iREPORT, iKEEP US SAFE (iWATCH) is a community awareness program created to educate the public about behaviors and activities that may have a connection to terrorism. See the website for information about the behaviors and activities that you should report, noting that the iWATCH program is about behaviors and activities, not individuals.
Senior Lead Officers
For quality of life and general public safety issues, you should contact the Senior Lead Officer (SLO) for your area. General public safety issues include things like illegal activities at a park, aggressive panhandlers in a shopping area, concerns about a rash of burglaries in your neighborhood, etc.
LAPD Senior Lead Officers (SLOs) are the police department’s liaisons with a specific part of the city. Each area in Los Angeles has its own Senior Lead Officer, who is responsible for its “Reporting Districts” for crime.
Keep in mind that SLOs usually only answer their cell phones while they are on duty, and they sometimes work long shifts and odd hours. So, it may take a few days for the officer to return your call or e-mail. Be patient.
Your Senior Lead Officer can help you set up a Neighborhood Watch for your area. We recommend that every block or area have its own Neighborhood Watch – that is the most important thing you can do to reduce crime in your community.
All of Harbor City is covered by Senior Lead Officer Humberto Pitones from Harbor Division. The area each SLO covers is called a Basic Car Area.
Area: 5A11
Senior Lead Officer:
Humberto Pitones
CELL : 213-705-8529
OFC: 310-726-7923
Harbor Area Front Desk: General inquiries and information 310-726-7700